So I’m considering reorganizing my site again. Been listening to a lot of photography podcasts and reading about how to increase site traffic (right now it’s at like 2 visitors – so that’s less then ideal) and the common theme is that in addition to SEO the site needs a clear focus. Right now my site is very much a hobbyist site – which is what I am, so that fits. But I’m considering narrowing the focus of the home/main site page to 3 focus areas for now and letting the rest of the content reside on an ‘other projects’ sub page.
Thinking my focus would be three key areas: people/portrait work, product shots (focusing mostly on outdoors equipment and firearms), events (reenactments, comic conventions, airshows), and maybe wildlife.
That would leave all the rest of the content: street, pets, travel, landscape/nature, astrophotography, and toys to move to another page. While I like photographing those things I don’t get to do them very often (I could always change that I suppose, but who has time for all those genres) so if I narrow the focus on the site I can focus on improving my skills in a few key areas – that’s the thought at least.
Now I don’t shoot some of those suggested focus areas very often – wildlife is mostly stuff I take when I go to the zoo, from where I live that’s really the only option (apart from birds) cause I don’t have the time to spend hours in the woods (stupid adult responsibilities) and street is something I really only shoot when I travel. But if I break it into portrait/people, products (firearms, knives, and other outdoor gear), and then events I should be able to narrow my focus a bit and improve those areas.
Might end up changing it back later, but I’m going to see if narrowing the focus of the website has any impact (both in traffic and in the quality of my photos).
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