Ok, new day, new challenge. Today’s challenge is marketing. At one point I thought ‘oh, marketing is super easy. Just post stuff and people will follow.’
Enter search engine optimization.
So let’s try this again through the framework of this challenge and see where we land.
Step 1: Write down any platforms or strategies you know you don’t want to use.
Ok, that’s tiktoc for sure. Never used it, no desire to.
I’ve done a little video work, but I don’t enjoy it that much – so youtube is not high on the list.
Instagram… I hate it, but it’s the only game in town really. Granted it’s not really for photo’s anymore (or video either) – it’s mostly just adds. But yeah, I’ll need to market on insta until the Bluesky folks get their version running.
Twitter? – No.
Bluesky – Yes, already doing this.
Podcasts – I could see there being some value in interviewing people that I might photograph, but I don’t like talking so that’s probably out.
Newsletters – Yes, though it really depends on site traffic to be valuable.
LinkedIn? I don’t think my audience resides there.
500px? – I can’t see paying for this site’s services.
Flickr? – I got my account deleted with any explanation after only two days. So fuck em.
Facebook? – Yeah I guess so.
Ok so the list is: Bluesky, Instagram, Facebook, Newsletters, and maybe youtube.
Reddit – Yeah, I need to use this more.
Step 2: Where does my target audience spend their time?
I’m not entirely sure how to research this, but I believe it’s facebook, and just online (so blogs), instagram (I feel like until an alternative appears people will continue to use that), and reddit.
Step 3: List platforms or strategies that match your strengths and how you prefer to work.
Well I’m not a big writer so blogging is probably not a strength, but I prefer to work online through a website so… yes to blogging? … He said as he blogged that…
Automated posting – Yep, I like to automate as much as possible to post at peak times.
SEO – Yes, I need to work on this. Very important.
Networking & Events – I think this is key for everything. I get my reenactment and cosplay photos from events. As an additional bonus, they are crazy fun. Networking, I suck at it, but I don’t see how anybody can be successful without a solid network.
Online communities? Yeah I’m thinking this is Reddit. I need to make it a point to be more active on there.
Step 4: Review and list short and long term goals.
Increase website traffic, grow email subscribers, drive sales, and build brand awareness are all examples from the challenge workbook and I agree with all of them.
Step 5: Based on the above, pick three strategies or platforms and explain how they align with your goals. For each, describe its purpose and how it supports your business goals.
Ok, strategy one I think is my website/blog. As I’ve stated in previous posts I think it’s critical to own your content and its delivery. Relying on social media takes the delivery mechanism out of your control. My website will allow me to control my content and its delivery. It will allow me to better organize my photos, and it will allow me to share more than social media platforms.
Strategy two is Blue sky. I’m already posting one a day. This should help create a place to connect with my audience that is more “realtime” than having them check a blog for updates.
Strategy three is events and networking. Yeah it’s fun to get out and do stuff, but I’m also going to try and attend more workshops and local events. Hopefully I can use this to connect to community members and create a local network/audience.
But Pat, you might be saying, how is that different then your current non-working strategy?
Well, it’s not really. Going to workshops and local events is new and the few that I’ve gone to I have met some nice people and handed out a few cards. Bluesky is also new, though the concept is very similar to Instagram. I’m hoping that because it’s fresher I can draw more traffic.
Then there’s the blog? What will drive people to come back out to subscribe to the newsletter? I’m hoping that posting more often will help draw attention.
So we will see. Fingers crossed I guess.
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