As Michael Scott said… My mission statement is that I will not be beat!
Well mine is not quite as dramatic, or at least I assume it won’t be. But let’s go through this exercise and see.
So step 1: Identify your core purpose. Ok, did that already. This is a photography blog documenting the things I see, places I go, and people I meet.
Step 2: Define your core values. Ok, did that already as well. Honesty, Transparency, Integrity.
Step 3: Specify your goals.
Well that one’s not too hard. My goal with this site is to share my work and my passion for photography with the readers. My goal with my photography is to reflect everyday life realistically in my photographs, and to help bring people’s visions to life through my photography.
Step 4: Identify your audience.
Random internet trolls. Ok, but more realistically I see this being people interested in life in the Metro Detroit area. People who have a passion for something and want it captured in images.
Step 5: Put it all together and craft that mission statement!
My mission, should I choose to accept it, is to document the things I see, places I go, and people I meet by creating photographs that realistically depict everyday life for people interested in life in the Metro Detroit area, guided by honesty, transparency, and integrity.
That actually sounds pretty damn good.
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