July Challenge – “Nature”

So the challenges for this months photography club were ‘Abandoned’ and ‘Nature’. Luckily I already had a zoo trip planned with some friends of mine and I came away with two good pictures for my submissions. (I actually came away with more then two, but I can only submit two so…

Had an interesting experience at the zoo though. We were going through the normal zoo flow and they had closed off the part of the zoo by the Grizzly Bears (which was disappointing cause it’s one of my favorite animals to visit). Turns out the bears had gotten free of their enclosure and ended up back in the zoo keepers portion of the exhibit. So they closed off part of the park until they were able to get them contained again. Kinda disappointing cause the bear exhibit was closed due to the incident. Luckily the polar bear put on quite a show.

Lesson learned – always start with the bears. If we had started there I might have gotten some pictures of them escaping!

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